Twin Acres Riding Stables


until June 18

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We're out of money! We are launching 

a major fundraising campaign! 

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>300  Signatures on Petition

Sign the petition here

Still collecting sigs!

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We don't know what changes we'll be adjudicating in an updated application!

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Understand the concerns. 


a clear discussion of concerns 

Read our Public Comments about serious application deficiencies. Click the buttons below.

Our Position

Keep Missouri Heights Rural's mission is to preserve the rural character, sustainability, safety and quality of life of Missouri Heights, an elevated desert with a fragile environment.

Our purpose is to protect against unbridled and commercial development and other incompatible land uses as well as activities that put a strain on vital resources and infrastructure, especially to preserve water and prevent wildfire. Overall, we are opposed to measures that negatively impact the serene character and safety of the area and its wildlife habitats.

Given all that we know and what you will soon know, about the Twin Acres  Boarding and Riding Stable Special Use application, there can be only one conclusion, the Board of Eagle Commissioners should deny the special use application.  Rather than repeat the myriad of reasons why the Twin Acres application fails to comply with the provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Code and the standards included in the Comprehensive Plan, including the Mid-Valley Plan Missouri Heights Future Land Use Plan area and strategies for the Missouri Heights Character Area, we adopt the reasons set forth in the letter dated March 17, 2024, sent to Eagle County in reference to the application on behalf of property owners in the Missouri Heights area signed by Haley Carmer and Mary Elizabeth Geiger.   We can only emphasize that the high impact commercial, recreational use proposed by applicant in the midst of a long established residential neighborhood that sits nearly on top of the proposed riding and boarding stable wholly fails the compatibility litmus test.  Looking at the totality of the negative effects on the immediate neighborhood as well as bicyclists and motorists who utilize the local roads; negative effects on the wildlife corridor and overcrowding of an already difficult evacuation route in the event of a wildfire, there is only one conclusion, the application should be denied. 

TARS in the foreground of one resident's Sopris view

THAT is not "peaceful enjoyment" as required by Eagle County for a Special Use Permit.

The covered jumping arena is 20,000 sq ft compared to nearby homes <4,000 sq ft. 

The proposed development is in a basin, resembling a huge football field. Surrounding homes represent the stands (several at field level). Residents would be unwilling spectators of every commercial activity, experiencing all the environmental impacts (odors, light, noise, flies, loose dogs, dust, etc.) associated with a large commercial equestrian operation. 

~Standard 5-250.B.2: Compatibility, Standard 5-250.B.4: Design Minimizes Adverse Impact

Contracted Land Use Attorney Discusses Rural Land Use

We are learning that Eagle County's outdated land use regulations are the reason proposals like Twin Acres are even considered in Missouri Heights. The good news is that Eagle County is re-writing our Land Use Regulations. Watch Todd Messenger, who has been contracted for the rewrite. He appears to understand us and our concerns!

2min 39 sec

Watch for Updates Here

TLocation: 623 Fender Ln - El Jebel

Application Materials: ZS-009260-2022

Public Hearing Information:

Application Materials: ZS-009260-2022

Public Hearing Information:

RFVRPC February 2, 2023- Packet Materials

Public Comment Information: