ECLUR Reform

Early Meetings and Presentations

Rather than duplicate project documents posted by Eagle County, please refer to the Eagle County ECLUReform Webpage 

for the most current information

KMOHR has been asked to participate in the Technical Advisory Committee! Check out the TAC Web Page to watch our progress!

The new Eagle County Land Use Code Reform Comments Portal is HERE! 

Share the link:

Eagle County Code Process 3-5-2024.pdf

Code Development

March 11, 2024

Executive Summary: Eagle County Land Use Regulation Reform Project - Process Update.  We will provide the Board with an update as to the timeline/schedule for the ECLUR reform project, provide tentative meeting dates, and discuss the appointment of an advisory committee and the proposed sequencing of the review process for the new code.   Attached is a chart depicting the 5 stages of the project, as well as the tentative meeting dates for review of the new code by the Board, Planning commissions and the advisory committee. 

Eagle County Code Process  Memo to BOCC

Project Kickoff & Strategic Approach

The KMOHR President contacted the BOCC about this project and here is the response:

We do intend to consider area community plans when we analyze zone districts and the table of zone district uses.   We have scheduled seven more worksessions with the Board through January 2024, to discuss larger policy issues and to receive input and direction from the Board.  We will then incorporate their input into the revised Regulations.    

Links below may contain meeting recordings and documents.

Meeting 2 Video : Tuesday, September 19, 2023: Reading Matter:  Issue Paper, Meeting 2 Slides, KMOHR Issue Paper Preliminary Comments, Land Use Table, - This is the second work session in a series of eight sessions designed for identification and discussion of key policy issues related to the reform of the ECLUR.  Issue outline #2 discusses zoning districts and land use, from establishing a common vocabulary for discussions to suggesting ideas for reform.   Accompanying this issue outline is a draft land use table for discussion purposes.  

Meeting 3 Video: Tuesday, September 26, 2023: 1:30 to 3:30 PM  Issue Paper, Meeting 3 Slides, KMOHR Issue Paper Preliminary Comments

This is the third work session in a series of eight sessions designed for identification and discussion of key policy issues related to the reform of the ECLUR.  Issue outline #3 discusses Housing and Residential Character, considering potential zoning strategies to address housing needs; appropriate locations for residential formats; adaptive re-use of residential buildings to increase density; appropriate location and process for ADUs; home occupations and home businesses; and potential reforms to the County Affordable Housing Guidelines.  

Meeting 4 (cancelled)

Meeting Video: Monday, October 23, 2023: 1:30 to 3:30 PM KMOHR Infrastructure Comments, Meeting Slides, Issue Paper

This is the fourth work session in a series of eight sessions designed for identification and discussion of key policy issues related to the reform of the ECLUR.  We anticipate continuing our discussion of issues related to Housing and Residential Character (Issue paper #3), and begin discussion of issue paper #4, Site Design, Health, Sustainability and DE&I.  Issue paper #4 will focus on consideration of potential reforms to parking requirements, and requirements for access, roads and traffic studies; potential refinements to stream setbacks and requirements for environmental impact reports; sustainability measures; and a discussion as to how the county's zoning and subdivision regulations may relate to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Meeting Video (starts at 60 minutes): Monday, November 13, 2023: 2:30 to 4:30 PM - Topics: Environment, Natural Resource Provisions. KMOHR Environment and Natural Resources Comments, Meeting SlidesIssue Paper , KMOHR Comments on Issue Paper 5, Eagle County Riparian Letter

Executive Summary: This is the sixth work session in a series of eight sessions designed for identification and discussion of key policy issues related to the reform of the ECLUR.  We will continue our discussion of Site Design, Health, Sustainability and DE&I, with a focus on potential refinements to standards relating to natural resource protection, environmental impact reports, and zone district dimensional limitations, including stream setbacks and water resource protection.  

Meeting 7: Tuesday, December 5, 2023: 2:00 to 4:00 PM (cancelled)

Meeting Video Tuesday, December 12, 2023: 1:30 to 3:30 PM : Topics: Key Policy Issues. KMOHR Preliminary Comments, Meeting Slides Issue Paper  , KMOHR Comments on Issue Paper

Executive Summary: This is the final work session for identification and discussion of key policy issues related to the reform of the ECLUR.  We will continue our discussion with consideration of ECLUR provisions for nonconformities and development review.  Nonconformities are those uses of land, structures and lots that were lawfully established before the ECLUR was adopted or amended, that now do not conform to the standards of the ECLUR.  The purpose of nonconformity regulations is to regulate and limit the continued existence of those uses, structures and lots that do not conform to the ECLUR.  We will discuss options for reform of the nonconformity provisions, including discussion of circumstances in which nonconformities should be allowed to continue; provisions related to re-investment in uses, buildings or sites with nonconformities; updating and modernizing categories of nonconformities; and discussing whether additional uses on nonconforming lots could be approved via a limited review as opposed to special use permit (non-conforming Resource zoned lots).  For development review, we will discuss options for delegation of certain decisions to staff (subdivision exemptions, final plats, amended final plats, SIA approval); examination of application requirements; review of the public benefit standard (currently applied to zone district amendments); review of the PUD amendment process; consideration of streamlining approval of special use permits and whether administrative approval is warranted for amendments; consideration of expedited procedures for disaster recovery and consideration of procedural incentives for affordable housing projects. 

Meeting Video  9: Tuesday, January 23, 2024: 2:30 to 4:30 PM  Meeting slides, Proposed LUC Outline

Executive Summary: ECLUR rewrite policy discussion wrap-up.   We completed the policy identification and development stage of the ECLUR rewrite project on December 12, 2023.  The purpose of today's session is to provide a brief summary of the policy issues we have covered to date, and to show the Board structurally how those issues relate to the next phases of the project.   As part of that discussion, we will be presenting a proposed outline of the new Eagle County Land Use Regulations, and will discuss next steps and future phases of the project. 

Feb 07, 2024@ 4:00 Slides

Eagle County Planning Commission Hearing, 4:00 Subject: Eagle County Land Use Regulations Update: Planning Commission Workshop and Check-in 

The meeting has been scheduled as a work session with the planning commission.  We plan to provide an overview of the issue papers that were presented to the Board and to discuss next steps in terms of the development of the revised code.   Following any questions and/or comments by the planning commission, I anticipate that the planning commission will open the meeting to public comment.  Please keep in mind that the purpose of this work session is to highlight and discuss general policy issues that may be incorporated into the revised ECLUR, and that there will be many opportunities for public comment as we move forward with the actual drafting process.  

 The meeting has been scheduled as a work session with the planning commission.  We plan to provide an overview of the issue papers that were presented to the Board and to discuss next steps in terms of the development of the revised code.   Following any questions and/or comments by the planning commission, I anticipate that the planning commission will open the meeting to public comment.  Please keep in mind that the purpose of this work session is to highlight and discuss general policy issues that may be incorporated into the revised ECLUR, and that there will be many opportunities for public comment as we move forward with the actual drafting process.